
Don't Be a Target

It’s nice to get out of the house and do some online work in a different environment. With so many restaurants and coffee shops offering free Wi-Fi, you have many choices for an “office” outside the office. Unfortunately, the fact that these places attract people with their expensive electronic devices has made them a prime target for thieves. Starbucks recently got some press as being a hot spot for these grab-and-go crimes. Purses, laptops and other items have disappeared in the blink of an eye. Take precautions to protect your valuables when you're out.

First, you must combat the complacency that develops from being in an environment that feels like home. Starbucks and other places offer a relaxed atmosphere with comfy chairs and soothing music. This setting that makes them appealing places to work, but you may let your guard down when your surroundings feel safe.

Distractions also abound in busy places. While you try to tune-out the music and conversation, you may get tunnel vision. You could be happily working online while someone grabs your bag or wallet off the chair next you. A thief can empty a purse in a matter of seconds. Other people probably won’t be much help in identifying the guilty party. More than likely, everyone around you is also absorbed with his or her laptops, iPhones or iPads.

Bottom line: to protect your belongings you must remain vigilant no matter where you are. Keep in mind you're in a public place. Treat it as if you're standing in the center of Grand Central Station, and don’t let your belongings out of your sight. If possible, keep your hands on them at all times. When you get up for a refill, to use the phone or go to the restroom, take them with you. When you must leave your computer at a table, employ a device like a laptop lock. A watchful eye is the best way to avoid being targeted.

More reading:

Thieves drop by Starbucks to grab something to go; Michael Wilson THE NEW YORK TIMES

Starbucks Customers Targeted by Laptop Thieves; Melanie Pinola PC World


Do you wear many hats?

The cost of living is up and the economy is down. Wages remain the same, or sometimes they disappear entirely. Thousands face unemployment and overwhelming problems with the job market. This dire financial situation may seem grim, but it's also motivating. Talented people are using every skill they have to reach their financial goals. Artists, writers, photographers and designers are exploring new avenues, and have found business prospects online that bring them closer to making ends meet.

“Many Hats” blog is dedicated to busy individuals who juggle jobs online and off, in addition to caring for their families and other responsibilities. Posts will cover a variety of topics related to online businesses. Look for subjects including time management, maximizing your profits, new income opportunities and balancing work and life. Get some useful advice and help dealing with challenges by learning from the experience of someone who’s been in your situation.

Best wishes for success!